5 Habits I Picked Up From Boarding School

Attending boarding school in your formative years means there are certain habits you picked up that you haven’t dropped. Some, because they are beneficial to your everyday life and the others because you just can’t help it. Here are some boarding school habits that I still haven’t let go of;
Walking Fast
If we are walking together chances are I will leave you behind many times. I do not know how to walk slowly because walking fast was a survival tactic that saved you from the belt. There was always somewhere to get to and you did not want to get there late.

Proper Time Management
Everything was scheduled and you had to do everything at the right time. Being late attracted punishment or strokes of the cane so time management was the only way to stay safe.
Even now, I do not subscribe to “African time “ , unless I cannot help it I’m always on time.

Sleeping With The Lights Off
I was scared of sleeping in total darkness until I went to boarding school, now I’ll kick you if you dare to turn on the lights when I’m sleeping. It’s pitch black or nothing at all.

Boarding school taught me perseverance and how to relax in any situation I find myself. Instead of complaining, I adapt and try to make the most of it.
Nothing could be worse than spending six years in a prison like situation.

How to Live Away From Home
I don’t get the blues when I’m away from home. I settle in quickly and enjoy where I’m at until it’s time for me to return home. Living in a dormitory with other people for years ensured that I could live anywhere.

Boarding school was not all sunshine and roses but it definitely taught me life skills that i apply to many situations, life skills that have saved my life.