He Was Bullied To Death And Buried After Two Years

What will you do if your child was bullied to death in his school for refusing to join a cult ?
Sylvester Oromoni was a twelve year old student of Dowen College, a private secondary school in Lagos, until he met his untimely end.

Oromoni was alleged to have been severely bullied by a group of senior students, who wanted him to join a cult.

The story of his death and what led to it went viral on social media and people immediately started seeking answers.

The school issued a statement that he sustained injuries while playing football and that bullying had nothing to do with his death, a claim that was rejected by his family who insisted that foul play was involved and Oromoni didn’t die from football injuries. His cousin even alleged that he had been forced to drink a chemical substance.

The story grew bigger and the school was shut down while an investigation was made to determine the cause of his death.
An investigation that dragged on while the father made repeated requests for his sons case to be taken seriously, all of which fell on deaf ears because no one has been apprehended for his death and his alleged killers are still being protected by their families.

His body stayed in the morgue for over two years until he was buried in January 2024. Sylvester is fondly remembered by family as a beacon of light, intelligent and kind. It’s a shame he passed the way he die with no justice still in sight and so many questions left unanswered.

I have one question, what is the relevance of boarding schools in today’s age? Almost everyone I know who has gone to one including myself faced traumatic situations that luckily didn’t end in death.

If you’re a parent with a child of school age please keep them close where you have some control over what happens and listen when your children make complaints about bullying at school, don’t shove it off things could take a turn for the worse.