How a Bloodthirsty Teen Ended a Kind Stranger’s Life

Be careful who you try to help, everything is not as it seems, people are strange and they’re not all good. 22 year old Simjee and his girlfriend Mikayla were driving through Talledaga National Forest, Alabama on Aug 16, 2022 when they saw 19 year old Yasmine looking lost and helpless by the side of the road and offered to help her with her car trouble. Yasmine turned out to be a robber who proceeded to try and rob them.
But she was shocked to find out that Simjee was kind of prepared for a situation like that when he pulled out a gun from his waistband.
She got upset and shot at him, he returned fire and fell to the ground. While this was going on, his girlfriend called 911. Unfortunately before they arrived he died, Yasmine the robber survived despite being shot in the abdomen, and in the leg.
Police soon found that she wasn’t working alone and was in criminal collaboration with 37 year old Krystal Pinkins who owned the car and gun used to lure in and kill 22 year old Simjee.
Surprisingly, Yasmine said she never intended to hurt Simjee and felt remorse when she found out he died. But what use is an apology to a dead man?
Situations like this are random and you never know who could hurt you but here are signs to check for before helping a stranger ;
Eye Contact
If someone cannot maintain eye contact while talking to you, something is off and you need to get away from them or if their eyes are darting in different directions.

Body Language
If they appear to be fidgety or suddenly get erratic you should keep your distance.

Hidden Hands
If their hands are concealed and you can’t see what they are carrying that is a red flag and a sign of danger you should take seriously.

Unable to Answer Simple Questions
If they are unable to answer simple questions about their situation and what led to it, you need to go.

Clenched Fists/Teeth
This is a sign that they are ready to attack, do not engage.

Stare Through
If you feel like they are staring through you , find ways to get away from them because they may be gearing up to attack you.
These are just some signs that the helpless stranger you ran into is not as helpless as they claim and may be plotting to harm you.
Nobody anticipates danger but it’s necessary to know the signs that indicate someone is about to attack so you can avoid getting in those situations.