If you have a signature snack that your friends and family constantly request, it’s logical to think about turning your hobby into a profitable business. Before you begin selling your own snacks, there are things you should consider like the size of the market you want to sell to and how quickly you want to grow. Here are some tips to follow.
Find a licensed kitchen:
Since you are already making snacks for your family and friends, you already have a place where you make it. Depending on the number of snacks you plan to sell and the place in which you live, you may need a bigger kitchen than the one you are using at home, nonetheless, you can start small before you go big.
Create a standard recipe.
You should have a standard recipe for your snacks. This ensures that you are always creating and selling the same quality product to all your customers. It is also important to have a standard recipe so you can create a label, with ingredients and nutritional values, per the standards set by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, you might want to sell a recipe book eventually when your business is successful.
Develop a method to present and package your product.
You must have heard the saying “it’s all about packing”. Make sure that all the materials you use are specifically “food grade” to ensure your snack is safe for others to consume. Also, packing makes your product unique, in the sense that people will identify with your product anywhere.
Find a niche market.
Think about who may enjoy your snacks the most and where those customers are most likely to purchase them. For example, if you wish to sell a samosa, you may find that area among family and friend that you can sell them successfully. On the other hand, if your snack is a convenience food for busy individuals, coffee shops, particularly those that offer drive-through services, may best serve your target customers.
Build relationships with new and prospective customers.
Consider offering free samples of your snacks to help secure sales. Sell your snacks at farmers’ markets, neighbourhood and fairs, on online sites such as Instagram or through food vendors. You can also purchase a food cart and sell your snacks on the street or at different events.