I Got My Scalp Burned, Here’s How To Avoid The Same

My head caught fire, no seriously and it could happen to you, let me explain. You’ve heard about sunburn and that you need to wear sunscreen, but what about scalp burn ? Is that even possible? The answer is yes, it happened to me. It was a beautiful Saturday, I had made very cute braids everyone was telling me how good it looked and I was feeling myself until I stepped into the sun and felt a burning sensation in the middle of my head after a few minutes.

I didn’t think much of it, the hair was new so I figured that was the reason it hurt and it would go way. Brothers and sisters, it did not stop, I felt pain in the middle of my head for a week straight. It felt like I was seeing stars every time I used my hand to touch the spot.

That’s when I researched and found out that that it’s possible to burn your head, and yes it’s very painful, I have first hand knowledge. If you did not know your scalp can get burned just like your skin from the sun, now you do. I’ve been burned by hair relaxer, I promise you this is worse. It took 24 hours for me to actually feel the full extent of the pain and let me tell you, the pain is crazy.

So, what do you do if you find yourself in this situation?

First, use a cold compress to minimize the pain. Just put ice cubes in a cloth and hold it over the burn spot.

Moisturize: Rub coconut oil and aloe Vera on the spot to relieve discomfort. Do it gently, you don’t want to make things worse.

Drink Water: please keep yourself hydrated, I don’t need to go into much detail about why or do I ?

Wear Hats; I wore hats and scarfs everyday, the week the sun burned my head, to avoid further damage. It helped keep my head protected from the sun sothe burn could heal faster.

Protect your head today, avoid the sun when you have a hairstyle that exposes a lot of your scalp. You don’t want to end up with a painful spot on your scalp that makes it impossible to sleep and function properly.