It’s Okay To Put You First

I am quite particular about the people whom I spend time with. I have been called standoffish and unpleasant but filtering my friend groups has really helped my quality of life. I am happier, I feel lighter because no one is burdening me with unnecessary weight. It is a breath of fresh air, finding people who know my person and do not seek to tweak anything just accepting me the way I am is a blessing I cannot really describe.
I understand that acceptance should come from me first, that I should love myself with all my zits and stretch marks before looking for love from without. I honestly believe if you don’t love yourself you would always be around people who don’t love you either and that is too great a burden to bear. Loving myself didn’t happen overnight, it took years of self loathing, constant affirmations and the realization that I am enough for me before anyone else to get here. I took many mental and emotional beatings to get here.
Here I am now, better, more mature and happier than I have ever been with no time for people who seek to bring me down. It took a long time but I’m here now.
I don’t think it’s good to hang around people who constantly drain you with their aura because you want to be seen as good and kind. Being good and kind is also a virtue that you should extend to yourself. You should be kind enough to yourself to set boundaries so people don’t walk all over you. You should choose self respect over being universally adored. Allow yourself to be disliked, you weren’t created to please everyone(you can’t, it is a fruitless endeavor).
Love everyone who appreciates you and to those who think you’re simply not worth their time, that’s their prerogative. I won’t beg or grovel in the sand for anyone’s love and affection anymore. I’ve put those days behind me, it’s all in the past now. Self preservation is not selfish it is necessary.

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