Medical Myths You Need To Stop Believing

You don’t need to drink eight water of glasses a day to be fully hydrated. That’s just a myth we’ve been led to believe for so long. And it’s not just one myth there’s an entire list, some of which we will go through in this article.

Your water intake depends on your size and how active you are but there’s no magic number you need to follow. There’s no tank inside your body that you have to fill up.

There’s no reason to eat your placenta, yes, that’s a thing some people do and if you never heard of the practice or tried it, good for you. It has no health benefits and you’re just culturally appropriating animals who do that. The reason animals eat their placenta is because they don’t want to attract predators. As a human there’s no reason for you to do the same. Don’t believe the things you read online outlining it’s benefits. There are none.

Drinking and taking supplements to flush out toxins from your body is a waste, your body already does that work all on its own. It does not need your help to do that.

You want to be tall and you’ve decided to sleep more, eat more eggs and beans ? I’m sorry to break it to you but there’s not much any of those things can do for you in that department if you’re not already genetically predisposed to growing tall.

Sleeping would just keep you refreshed and the egg and beans would make sure you’re the gassiest person in the room amongst other things that may be actually good for you. These are just some of many medical myths out there that have been proven to not be true.

What do you think and which ones have you heard?