Bolanle and Caro have been friends for over 15 years. But the unexpected happens…

Bolanle’s husband, Uncle Oga is attempting to initiate a sexual relationship with Caro. Now she didn’t see this coming as he would often compliment her casually and sometimes lingering glances which Bolanle brushed off as harmless, but Uncle Oga became bold and then she saw clearly that it wasn’t innocent at all.

He started sending her flowers, gifts and notes. You know those kinds of steamy notes, with no regard for his wife or her friends Caro.

The girl was confused with mixed feelings of anger and disgust. She tried to put him off severally but it keeps getting worse.

Caro is grappled with the best course of action. Should she confront Uncle Oga directly and risk jeopardizing her friendship with Caro? Or should she suffer in silence, hoping that the unwanted advances would eventually cease?

In situations like these, it’s essential to stay away from the couple as much as possible.  Better still Find courage to share the truth with your friend about this, if he can do this so close to home who is to say what he does outside. By sharing her truth with Bolanle, Caro can protect her own integrity and ensure that the foundation of their friendship remains strong

While confronting Uncle Oga may seem daunting, Bolanle owes it to herself and her friend to address the issue directly. I know this might cause a break out or a rift in your long years of friendship…but I think that is better than betrayal; but if it doesn’t work out well (because in sometimes you might be blamed for Uncle Oga’s advances), staying away from the couple works best.

What are your thoughts on this? Let’s hear them in the comment section or send to ask@arewaworld.com