My boyfriend disappoints me on Valentines day

It’s Valentine’s day

Bolanle, like so many other ladies out there were looking forward to it. Bolanle especially since she had made plans her boyfriend Uncle Oga had made special plans to have a romantic dinner and she couldn’t wait to spend quality time with him and celebrate their love. Since they lived in different cities; they decided to meet halfway; getting somewhere in between, just about two hours bus ride away.

And so it broke her heart to get a call from Uncle Oga saying he missed his ride, the bus he had booked. Everything just went sour for her. She couldn’t believe he could disappoint her on Valentine’s Day. He claimed he got wasted the night before so he woke up late. Bolanle couldn’t believe that Uncle Oga had let something as important as Valentine’s Day slip through his fingers because of a night of drinking.

Bolanle reluctantly agreed to give him another chance, after he begged to make it up to her. He said he was going to fly-in instead of a ride. She was hopeful that he would finally arrive in time for their dinner reservation. However, history repeated itself when Uncle Oga missed his flight as well or so he claimed. This time, he blamed it on getting distracted while talking on the phone with a friend.

At this point Bolanle was beyond heartbroken. She felt betrayed especially after she had planned everything, even taking time off work and all went in the drain because of Uncle Oga irresponsibility. He picked the wrong day to be inconsiderate.

She questioned whether their relationship was worth the constant disappointment and whether Uncle Oga truly cared about her feelings. This should be a clear message to Bolanle that he is taking her for a ride.

Uncle Oga he doesn’t respect or think about you in a serious manner. He obviously has more important things to do because if he wanted to, he would make it happen. He is supposed to prioritize you and make you feel loved and cherished especially on Valentine’s Day.

Once is understandable. But twice is a clear message.