Six months ago, Uncle OGA proposed to his Bolanle, expecting the joyous occasion to be splashed across social media. However, to his surprise, Bolanle chose to keep their engagement under wraps. This decision sparks concerns and sets off a chain of unsettling revelations.

Uncle OGA finds himself in a quandary as his girlfriend, Bolanle, hesitates to share news of their engagement and this is because she is someone who is active on all social media handles. So, the decision to keep an engagement private raises questions. Is she making the decision to become private or is she hiding something?

In addition to this, he has also noticed some glaring signs which makes him question his decision to get married to Bolanle. Some of the red flags flying high includes:

1. Exclusivity at Events: Bolanle attends festivals and events without inviting Uncle OGA, raising questions about the level of commitment in their relationship.

2. Communication with an Ex: Previous contact with an ex-boyfriend, even during their relationship, becomes a point of contention.

3. Hiding the Engagement: Bolanle’s reluctance to share news of their engagement, especially given her typically open nature on social media, raises eyebrows.

While this red flags are all valid reasons to be concerned, it is important not draw conclusions. Instead,  having an honest and open communication is crucial especially  when concerns about trust and commitment arise. During this conversation, it’s essential to address each red flag and understand Bolanle’s perspective. Also, having this discussion could bring to light the real situation they are dealing with.

Bolanle’s perpective might include;

1. Some privacy concerns: Bolanle might value privacy and choose to keep significant life events off social media.

2. Insecurity: Fear of judgment or comparison might lead to hesitation in making the engagement public.

3. Communication Issues: Bolanle may not realize the impact of her actions on Uncle OGA and the relationship.

Uncle OGA needs to evaluate whether Bolanle’s reasons align with his expectations. If defensiveness and avoidance persist during the conversation, it might be an indication that their values and commitment levels differ.

If Bolanle’s reasons are valid, understanding and compromise become crucial. However, if concerns persist and the relationship appears one-sided, Uncle OGA might need to reconsider the engagement.

Every relationship is unique, and transparency levels vary. The key lies in open communication and understanding each other’s perspectives. Whether to share an engagement publicly is a personal decision, but both partners should be on the same page regarding the level of transparency they desire.

In the end, it’s not just about the ring – it’s about creating a foundation of trust and shared values for a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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