Uncle Oga and Bolanle are newlyweds just enjoying each other’s company. They had no kids and were still in that honey moon phase all that. Everything was just them still getting familiar with the whole “been married” thing.

Still in this phase, Uncle Oga’s Sister, Amina came to visit, for a short stay Bolanle though happy to have family also hoped it will only be for a short while. And soon they’ll be having their abode to themselves.

But the short stay that was supposed to be for 2week turned to several weeks and now months. She just was getting really getting too comfortable for comfort.  On top of that she was trying to run their home like it was hers.

Amina started doing things like complaining about Bolanle’s way of doing things like style of cooking and she was even dictating the groceries to be used in the house.

There was this time were she complained about how Bolanle kept the house (the décor and all) but Bolanle said it was best suited that way but one day  Bolanle came back home to find Amina had rearranged the furniture and curtains-no boundaries The most of them all was that she was behaving like a like detective asking weird questions and also giving some kind of feedback to Uncle Oga.

By now Bolanle was already feeling like she had no say in her own home. She tried to talking to Uncle Oga about it, he promised to handle it but it didn’t look like he did. It was getting too much for Bolanle and she confronted the issue herself and Uncle Oga was not too happy about it and drove a wedge between her and Uncle Oga. Now there’s frustration and anger and all that mess in her head and it looks like there’s no way forward

The only way out of this is for Uncle Oga to talk to his sister to go back to her husband house, or father’s house or wherever she came from. Because you cannot have someone come in between you and your wife. Choose your family first and your family right now is your wife. If your sister wants to run things she should get her own husband it her house.

I can’t say more than this….

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