Nurturing a Healthy Brain

Nurturing a Healthy brain is essential for overall wellbeing of an individual, including cognitive function and emotional balance.

The brain forms only 2% of the body mass, weighing 1.2 to 1.4kg. It consumes up to 25% of the body’s supply of oxygen which its uses to generate fuel for the brain.

A proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle contribute to maintaining and promoting brain health. Having a Balanced nutrition habit with foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids as this is a good brain booster; foods such as sardines, mackerel, eggs, chia seeds, flax seeds etc. In addition, adding fruits and vegetables to our daily meals is also important.    

Dehydration can weaken concentration and memory which is not one the most important function not the brain. Staying hydrated helps maintain the normal functioning of the brain.

Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain which boosts brain power. Stress and Exhaustion is bad for the brain so finding a routine that helps with stress management 3hih includes meditation and aerobics is beneficial to the brain. Meditation also helps maintain mental health.

Engaging in regular social activities provides emotional support and contributes to having a positive mindset. Mental stimulating activities such as solving puzzles, reading regularly or engaging in other activities that helps keeps the brain active and sharp.

Limited alcohol consumption reduces the risk of conditions that may affect cognitive functions.  Excessive smoking can be detrimental to mental activities. Also, consumption of hydrogenated fats and overcooked starches is bad for the brain.

In essence, a healthy brain is a product of a healthy lifestyle. Individuals can have a healthy brain and enjoy its benefits only if they can invest in the holistic approach of nourishing the mind and body.