Reasons why some women have beard.

Have you been battling with stubborn chin hair that only grows back thicker once you shave it off? There are a few reasons why you may be stuck with facial hair that you don’t need/want as a woman.

PCOS: It could be PCOS which stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. It is a hormonal disorder that elevates the male androgen hormone and could cause weight gain, irregular periods, acne and abnormal hair growth.

Cushing syndrome: This one happens rarely but it’s an endocrine disorder that can cause excess hair growth. This condition is caused by too much stress and increase in your cortisol levels. It not only causes excessive hair growth but weight gain, stretch marks and type 2 diabetes .

And the last reason we’ll be going over is your genes.

Genetics: It’s in some people’s genes to have excessive hair growth on their body especially in the chin area. If your grandmother, mother, and aunts had excessive hair growth at a certain age you’re likely to get the same.

These are just some of many reasons you may have abnormal hair growth , this is not a diagnosis, see a doctor if you’re suffering from excessive hair growth to get a proper diagnosis.

It’s also important to note that having tiny hairs around your body or vellus hairs is normal. It’s only when it is too much that you should be worried .