So You Had a Hard Year

It’s December, soon we’ll herald the coming of the new year. Many of us had aspirations and goals this year that sadly didn’t come to fruition and it’s the hardest thing to accept, especially when you see other people reveling in their blessings. You probably worked hard and didn’t see any results, fell in and out of depression because you couldn’t understand why things weren’t working out the way you planned. I see you and I empathize. Here are some reminders that failure is not the end and if it doesn’t work now it would work later.

Bad Days Don’t Last But You Did
You’re still here and that’s proof that the bad days didn’t break you , you made it through. You fought hard and you kept going despite all the obstacles in your way, that counts for something and you should be very proud.

You Made Some Achievements
You might not think the little things you achieved count for much but it does. It’s important to bask in the little wins while you anticipate the big ones. A little here and a little there adds up to a lot. Go rockstar!

Breathe, It Will Get Better
You’re no stranger to difficult situations and you’ve made your way out many times. You can do it again, you will do it again. Even while you’re down and out remember that this too shall pass and better days are on the way.

Stop Punishing Yourself
Okay you made some mistakes that took you to a bad place , who hasn’t? Don’t beat yourself up too much, take responsibility for your actions and take steps to get better. Also, stop worrying about things you can’t control, do your best and let it go.

It’s Okay To Be Sad
A lot of feel good messages would give you tips on how to do things that keep you happy always. While that sounds good, it’s okay to acknowledge that you’re sad and allow yourself process your emotions instead of running from them and pretending you’re okay when you’re not.
I am rooting for you and I hope that you have more highs than lows soon. You deserve to!