Someone Needs to Be The Smaller Person

It gets tiring to be tasked with the role of being the bigger person when you get into an altercation with somebody especially if they are unrepentant. Asking people to be the bigger person sounds like good advice but it’s not because it dismisses their feelings and the wrong that’s been done to them.

At some point you have to stand up for yourself instead of cowering in the corner because you want to keep the peace. The problem with being the bigger person is it absolves the other party of taking responsibility for their actions and seeing how it has affected the person who is expected to make peace and pretend it never happened.

When you are “too good” or “too mature” you become an easy target for bullies and narcissists who know that no matter what they do to you , you’d turn the other cheek. Suppressing how you feel to keep the peace and be the bigger person would also leave you with a lot of pent- up anger that may spill on the wrong person at the wrong time.

If you feel wronged by someone’s actions let them know kindly but do not let them get the idea that they can walk all over you and face no consequences. It doesn’t matter how nice or kind you are to bullies and narcissists they will still try to push all your buttons.

You have to let them know that your kindness is not to be taken advantage of, and you will always stand up for yourself if and when necessary.