Steps to start your business with Zero $, story How I started Shawarma Prince back in 2010

In 2010, my journey into entrepreneurship began under unique circumstances. I had just returned from a prolonged university strike that lasted for months, leaving me with a void of academic activities. 

However, this hiatus turned out to be a turning point in my life.

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Fuelled by a deep-seated passion for event planning and decoration, I decided to channel my energy and enthusiasm into a field that truly resonated with me. With determination in my heart, I sought out opportunities to learn and grow. It was then that I stumbled upon an event decoration business that was gearing up for a monumental project – decorating the Silver Bird’s FIFA World Cup 2010 viewing space.

Eager to gain hands-on experience and contribute to something extraordinary, I volunteered to be an intern at the event decoration business. Little did I know that this decision would set the stage for my entrepreneurial journey. The road ahead was challenging, as I found myself leaving home at the crack of dawn and returning well past nightfall. Despite the demanding schedule, I was paid a modest 500 Naira per day, a sum that seemed meager in comparison to the invaluable lessons I was learning.

The highlight of my internship came when we successfully decorated the Silver Bird’s FIFA World Cup 2010 viewing space. It was a proud moment for me, having played a role in creating an atmosphere that added to the excitement of the global football event.

The experience I gained during those months became the cornerstone of my entrepreneurial venture. Fueled by newfound skills and confidence, I seized the opportunity to take on my first client. OandO Filling Station entrusted me with their end-of-year decoration, marking the inception of my solo journey as an entrepreneur.

The project at OandO Filling Station wasn’t just about decorating a space; it was about turning my passion into a viable business. The end result was not only a beautifully adorned venue but also a substantial paycheck of 50,000 Naira, equivalent to $400 at the time. This achievement served as validation for my decision to venture into entrepreneurship.

Eager to reinvest in myself and expand my skill set, I allocated a portion of my earnings to learn a new craft – making Shawarma. This decision stemmed from another passion of mine, and I believed it could be a lucrative addition to my budding enterprise.

As I reflect on that pivotal period in 2010, I am grateful for the challenges and opportunities that shaped my journey into entrepreneurship. The long hours, modest pay, and relentless pursuit of my passions laid the foundation for a career that would evolve into something beyond my wildest dreams. Little did I know that my humble beginnings as an intern would blossom into a thriving venture, fueled by the lessons learned and the unwavering belief in my ability to turn passion into profit.

How I started Shawarma Prince back in 2010

The entrepreneurial journey continued as I ventured into the world of Shawarma with the establishment of my very own shop – Shawarma Prince. To kickstart this venture, I utilized my aunt Batula’s office space in Zara City Plaza. This space became the epicenter of my newfound passion, a place where dreams of entrepreneurship transformed into reality.

Support from my family, especially my father, played a pivotal role in the early stages of Shawarma Prince. He took on the responsibility of purchasing the essential Shawarma bread from Amigo Supermarket in Abuja. Every batch of bread made its way to the Abuja International Airport, from where it was sent down to Maiduguri – my chosen base of operations. Here, my aunt Hajja Gana graciously provided a deep freezer, allowing me to store the bread and maintain its freshness.

Armed with determination and a strategic vision, I invested in the necessary equipment, including a toaster and a TV, while leveraging my event decoration experience to give Shawarma Prince a visually appealing and welcoming ambiance.

One key to Shawarma Prince’s success was my innovative approach to pricing. Drawing from my event decoration background, I implemented a Friday promo that became immensely popular. Customers who purchased one Shawarma were treated to a complimentary drink, creating a tempting offer that kept them coming back.

The business thrived, consistently generating a monthly profit of 150,000 Naira after covering expenses. This success not only allowed me to enjoy the fruits of my labor but also enabled me to purchase a car – a symbol of the progress and growth that Shawarma Prince was experiencing.

As the business expanded, I hired seven dedicated staff members, creating employment opportunities and further contributing to the local economy. Plans were in motion to take Shawarma Prince to other parts of Nigeria, fueled by the vision of spreading the love for delicious Shawarma far and wide.

However, just as the business was reaching new heights, the unforeseen and tragic events surrounding the Boko Haram conflict brought a sudden halt to all business activities in the region. The terror attacks disrupted daily life, affecting not only my business but countless others. Despite the setbacks, the resilience instilled in me during my entrepreneurial journey would prove invaluable as I navigated the challenges posed by the conflict and worked towards the eventual resurgence of Shawarma Prince. Subscribe for the next chapter of this compelling tale and discover how determination and adaptability triumph in the face of adversity.

Abdullahi Kaka

Human | Muslim | Minimalist | Journalist | Presenter | Stoic | PhD Student @ozyeginuni | @arewa_world | @chopsmobilecom @chopsmobile