The Mysterious Disappearance of the Nsugbe 8

This is every parent’s worst nightmare, eight boys went out to play and never came home. What happened to them?
In 2001, eight little boys were playing when one big man had them arrested by vigilantes on accusations of throwing firecrackers or banga at him.

The eight boys between the ages of 9-12 from the town were allegedly tortured and harassed even though there was no evidence that they had done what they were accused of. Their arrest was the last time they were seen or heard of.
The parents of these boys were broken and pleaded with the big man to release their sons but he claimed he never had anything to do with their disappearance.

It was alleged by members of the community that they had been used for rituals by the big man, a claim he denied and continues to deny to this day.

Frantic searches went on for the boys and calls were made to the big man who incessantly denied that he had nothing to do with their disappearance even though eye witnesses had seen him cart them away with the help of vigilantes. All pleas for the boys to be returned fell on deaf ears.

He successfully went on to serve as a senator representing his constituency , the incident of 2001 a mere bump in the road which he attributes to political enemies spreading rumors about him.

I want to know, what do you think ? Eight boys disappearing in broad daylight with every finger pointing to man who continues to deny it is insane.

It’s really sad what happened to those little boys and we may never know exactly how they disappeared or get justice for them.