The Tragic Disappearance of Justina Otuene

A girl’s worst nightmare is getting killed or hurt by a stranger but in 20 year old Justina Otuene’s case the killer was close to home.

Justina was a beautiful, young girl studying biochemistry at the university of port harcourt, she was in 300 level and had one year left to leave the university. She was dating Damian Okoligwe, also a student of the university, but in 400 level and in the department of Petrochemical Engineering.

Justina was an intern at Prestige Hospital and on Friday morning she went to work as usual but failed to return. Her family became worried and frantically searched for her.They called her number multiple times but it didn’t go through. They tried again, this time it rang but she didn’t pick so they assumed she was at a friend’s birthday party and would be back the next day.

The next day, the friend whose birthday party she was supposed to be at called to say she had not seen her. Her family contacted the hospital she was interning at to check if she was there and they were told she had clocked out to attend the birthday party on Friday. That was when they really panicked , where was Justina and why could no one seem to find her?

No one even thought about Damian until a neighbor reported bad smells coming from around his house. The source of the smell was revealed to be a decomposing body, Justina’s decomposing body. He was arrested and when asked why he murdered Justina, he said she had already died and he tried to get rid of the body because he was scared. But here’s the thing, her organs were harvested so it seemed the murder was premeditated. Subsequent investigation and interviews with the family particularly with the brother of the deceased revealed that they weren’t even together, they had broken up in 2021 and resumed on and off communications in 2023.

My theory is he was salty about the breakup and he had found a get rich quick scheme that he needed to sacrifice someone for so he lured Justina in by seeking a reconciliation then he killed her. An act of pure evil, he snuffed the life out of a promising young girl to get money.

We’ve seen this story play out a hundred times and every time the victim gets blamed, when the blame should be going to the person who looked at another human being and decided to take their lives for some change.

It is not normal and there’s no justification, people who do that deserve the hottest parts of hell.It’s also why certain relationships should never be rekindled because worst case scenario you could end up dead.