What To Do When Your Bestie No Longer Lives Close To You

Friendships are beautiful bonds we create with like minded people, and they can be hard to maintain when those people live miles away. Many friendships have ended because of this, it is difficult to keep up with someone you don’t see regularly but there are ways to make it work.
One or closest friends recently moved and it’s been hard not seeing when I want to but because we both value our friendships we find ways to stay in touch and keep the spark alive.
Here are some tips on how to manage long distance friendships:
Do Daily/Weekly Check-Ins
Thanks to technology, it is now easier to communicate with a long distance friend than it was thirty years ago. Ask them how they’re feeling, what they’re up to. Share insights into each other’s lives and talk about new developments that have come up. If you can’t do this everyday, do it weekly.

Discover New Hobbies Virtually
Just because your friend lives in another area code doesn’t mean you cannot find new things that you like together. Pick up new hobbies and share with each other, talk about why you like those hobbies and the satisfaction you get from indulging in them.

Gush Over Shared Interests
Talk about things you both like together. You don’t have to let go of things you both like because you don’t see each other.

Talk About How You Feel

Friendships require the same care as romantic relationships. In your words and actions let them you know your value the friendship and you’re blessed to be part of their lives. If something feels off, talk about it too.

Plan a Vacation
Find some time to visit each other, you could go to their city or they could come to yours, you could find a new spot and visit there together. It would be nice to hang again in person and be reminded of how important your friendship is.