Who is Sanusi Lamido Sanusi?

“Do not say that government money had been stolen. Name the thief. We named human beings—the management that stole the money in the name of borrowing, the gamblers that took depositors funds to speculate on the stock market and manipulate share prices, the billionaires and captains of industry whose wealth actually was money belonging to the poor which they ‘borrowed’ and refused to pay back”

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

In this article, I answered some of your basic questions about Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, how he rose to the rank of central bank Governor, What Sanusi studied, where he started his Occupation from etc. This is a basic Biography of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi.

You have probably heard the name Sanusi Lamido Sanusi or SLS especially when he was the Central Bank Governor in Nigeria and now the Emir of Kano Kingdom. So, I will walk you through Sanusi’s childhood, education and career. In every phase of his life, I will give you one lesson or two to put into your life.

Sanusi’s Childhood

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi was born in 1961, into a prominent family, his father was a permanent secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and he was the grandson of Emir of Kano and Islamic Scholar, Alhaji Mohammadu Sanusi. Sanusi always wanted to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. He studied at St. Anne Primary School, Kakuri, Kaduna. Sanusi then moved to Lagos where he did his secondary education at King’s College.

Sanusi’s Adulthood

Sanusi had a vision of becoming a great economist; hence, he applied to one of the best universities in Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Kaduna state. He was one of the good students of his department, after his BSc in Economics, Sanusi went further to obtain a distinction in monetary Policy during his master studies. Sanusi quest for more knowledge took him outside Nigeria, and he went to study Sharia law from the International University of Africa, Khartoum in Sudan where he bagged a first class degree in 1997.

The blueprint was built around four pillars: enhancing the quality of banks, establishing financial stability, enabling healthy financial sector evolution and ensuring that the financial sector contributes to the real economy. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi’s Career

Sanusi started his career working as an academic at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he lectured economics in 1985 before he moved to the banking sector in 1985 before moving to the banking sector in 1985 where he worked with Icon Limited ( Merchant Bankers), a subsidiary of now Guaranty Trust Bank of New York, and Baring Brothers of London. He later moved ahead of his career and joined United Bank of Africa Plc (UBA) in 1997 where he worked in the Credit and Risk Management Division where he rose to the position of the General Manager.

In September 2005, he was also the chairman of Kakawa Discount House. He later joined the Board of First Bank of Nigeria as an Executive Director in charge of Risk and Management Control and was in later appointed Group Managing Director (CEO) in January 2009.

Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi was nominated by the late President Umaru Musa Yar ‘Adua as the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria 1st July 2009, and his appointment was confirmed by the Senate on 3rd June 2009, in the middle of a global financial crisis. In August 2009, the Sanusi led Central Bank of Nigeria bailout plan and bailed out Afribank, Intercontinental Bank, Union Bank, Oceanic Bank and Finbank with 400 billion Nigerian Naira of public money. Sanusi was named as the Central Bank of 2010 for both the African Continent and the entire world by the Bankers Magazine.

According to Sanusi, there was no choice but to attack the powerful and interrelated vested interests who were exploiting the financial system. He expressed appreciation of support from the president, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, the finance minister and others.

Sanusi “Where is the money”

“Do not say that government money had been stolen. Name the thief. We named human beings—the management that stole the money in the name of borrowing, the gamblers that took depositors funds to speculate on the stock market and manipulate share prices, the billionaires and captains of industry whose wealth actually was money belonging to the poor which they ‘borrowed’ and refused to pay back”

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

Sanusi was suspended from has the CBN Governor by President Goodluck Jonathan after the alleged misappropriation of funds by the Jonathan led government. This has since led to the trading of words and counter allegations.

Death of Emir of Kano

Sanusi was fortunate, he had just been suspended by President Goodluck Jonathan from the central bank for his revelations about the “missing billions”. Remember in the third paragraph, I told you Sanusi wanted to follow the footstep of the grandfather, i.e. to be the Emir of Kano.

Following the death of his uncle Alhaji Ado Bayero, Sanusi was nominated among the contenders of the crown. He wasn’t the favoured candidate; however, he prevailed in convincing the committee, hence Sanusi was crown the Emir of Kano On the 8th of July, 2014.

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