World Mental Health Day: Simple Steps for a Happier mind

World Mental Health Day, celebrated every October 10th, reminds us of how vital mental well-being is for people and communities all around the world. The mental health day reminds us of significance of a sound mind.

Most people in the past did not see the importance of mental well being and this has led to a lot of social issues such as stigmatization and depression. This is the reason for the World Mental Health Day.

Prioritizing the care of your mental health is not a difficult task to do. There are many ways to achieve a good mental health.

Practice Self-Care; do things you enjoy and relax with hobbies or spend time with loved ones. It may seem selfish sometimes but it is for YOU. Also try to create a work-life balance. Plan your schedule properly and don’t cramp yourself with work so that you can have time for yourself.

There’s a saying that “a problem shared, is half-solved”. So don’t be afraid to talk about how you feel. Share with closest friends or family if something’s bothering you.

In this part of the world, most people don’t believe in “seeing a shrink“. But it is highly recommended if you’re really struggling. Reach out to a professional who can help.

Having an active daily routine is very much helpful. Exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep to keep your body and mind in good shape. This can also help in managing stress.

Try to socialize. This might be quite difficult especially for introverts but it becomes easier if you just spend time with close friends and family. It will help to elevate your mood and boost your happiness.

Limit your screen time. Take breaks from spending much time on phones and other screen devices; it can affect your mental health.

In the spirit of communal living, be supportive to others in trying times. Be a good listener and offer help if you can.

Taking these steps is not something to rush; take your time. You’ll see that it is totally worth it.

Good luck…