10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves

Cloves are the flower buds of a tree know as Clove Tree (Syzygium aromaticum). It is used as a spice that adds flavor to many international and local cuisines including beverages and soups. They are best known for their aromatic scent. They are also used in traditional medicine. Asides its use as a spice in meals, they also have many health benefits.   

  1. Cloves are high in antioxidants which help neutralize harmful radicals in the body. They contribute to the overall wellbeing of the body. It helps prevents the development of chronic diseases.
  2. Cloves are a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals including Manganese, vitamin K and vitamin C.
  3. Cloves may help regulate blood sugar. It was found to increase the uptake of sugar from the blood into the cells while increasing insulin secretion and also improves the function of cells that produce insulin.
  4. Cloves have shown an anti-microbial property that is; they have the ability to fight against bacteria. Cloves (clove oil) are often used in dental care due to their microbial properties. They may help prevent bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay.
  5. Studies have shown cloves have potential of increasing liver health. They may help protect the liver from damage and enhance detoxification processes.
  6. Cloves have been used in traditional medicine for relieving pain. Clove oil is extracted and applied topically to relieve pain
  7. Some compounds found in cloves may be used to reduce stomach ulcers.
  8. Cloves have Anti-inflammatory properties. There’s a compound found in cloves known as eugenol have anti-inflammatory properties which may help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate conditions related to inflammation.
  9. Cloves is beneficial for the digestive system, help reduce digestive issues such as indigestion and bloating.
  10. Cloves have been by men and women to improve their sexual life. It used to boost excitement and energy. In women, clove water can improves the hormones that helps the ovaries release egg when ovulating and improves sexual rejuvenation. Also increase libido Men.

In as much as cloves provide so many health benefits, it is advised that consumption of cloves should be moderate. Adding cloves to a balanced meal plan or diet is the most effective way to gain from all its health benefits.