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Nigeria: Some solutions to Climate Change
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Climate change has been evident in Nigeria in myriad ways and is experienced by every Nigerian. This is manifested through raging floods, deadly heat, loss of biodiversity, drought, desertification, land degradation, and rising sea level. And this is expected because all over the world, the third world, underdeveloped, and developing countries have experienced the impacts of climate change more than anywhere else.

Effects of climate change on the Nigerian Environment and the Nigerian populace:

  1. Loss of residential houses and land transport channels.

Rural areas suffer the most from flooding and heavy rainfalls. This is expected because most of the houses there do not have a strong foundation. Land transportation in those rural communities also becomes difficult because the water floods the road channels.

  1. Low power generation and distribution.

Drought and irregular rainfall affect power generation in Nigeria. The Kainji is the main hydroelectric dam that generates power for Nigeria, and drought or irregular rainfall reduces the water level there.

This results in low power generation and distribution all over the country. Large-scale industries become affected because they depend on the power supply to run their activities.

  1. Spread of diseases.

Malaria crises become higher during climate change, and this is because mosquitoes breed better in stagnates waters, which aids their spreading. This leads to a heavy burdening on national health.

Also, due to will fire and dust storms, respiratory health complications become higher during climate change.

  1. Low crop yield and food shortage.

The natural distribution of crops becomes affected due to climatic variations (excess rainfall or drought). And this may lead to food shortages.

  1. Affects animal livelihood.

Domesticated animals like castles, goats, and sheep become highly affected because climatic changes like a flood, drought, and general affect the food they eat. These may lead to a drop in their commercial worth and value.

The climate change policies in Nigeria:

  1. The National Environmental Policy.

Issues of deforestation and other human activities that complicate the problems of climate change in Nigeria are tackled by this policy.

  1. The National Erosion and flood control policy. Flooding and erosion reduce the quality of the soil used in growing crops. This policy handled this issue.
  2. The National Forest Policy.

This policy was put in place to encourage the planting of trees as protection against the sun’s heat.

Final thoughts and suggestions:

Because climate change has enormous impacts on the economy of Nigeria, the following are ways I think climate change can be better handled in Nigeria:

  1. An aggressive public awareness campaign and Nationwide sensitization through the mass media should be done. This is to educate the populace on the negative impacts of climate change on the Nigerian Environment.
  2. Environmental courses and subjects should be taught in schools to educate children early on the negative impacts of climate change and their roles in handling/managing it as students.
  3. The legislature should enact laws to stop human activities that further deplete the ozone layer.
  4. The government should also invest more in Agric science and environmental research.
  5. The federal government should also be more deliberate in its policy implementation and revision. This will send a strong signal to the Nigerian populace to also do their part.