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Crazy Death Stories

When I was younger, I was obsessed with the show one thousand ways to die. Did you ever see it? If you didnʼt well, it is a show that details the most insane ways people have died, and that is what I am writing about today. Get ready to read some bone-chilling stories.
The first one dates back to 620 bc; Draco, an Athenian lawmaker, was smothered to death by gifts of cloaks and hats showered upon him by appreciative citizens at a theatre in Aegina, Greece.
If you ever feel sad because you donʼt get enough or no gifts, remember that someone died because he was too popular. Maybe that will make you feel bette about having no friends(I am joking!).
Next is Hans Steininger, mayor of a town in Austria in the 16th century. He was well-liked by the people and had a groomed beard of around 137cm, the height of a small child. There was a fire one night, and everyone ran in panic. Unfortunately for Hans, his beard fell out of his pocket; he stumbled on it, tripped and died. The townspeople preserved the beard with chemicals, and it lies in a local museum. I guess the moral of the story is donʼt grow a beard that is the size of a seven-year-old.
At no 3 is Lee Seung Seop, a South Korean who took his video game obsession to the next level; the 28-year-old died of dehydration and heart failure after a 50-hour straight session of World of Warcraft, a massive multiplayer online role-playing game. He had little water and food during this session and eventually collapsed from exhaustion, dying shortly afterwards.
A funeral was held for him with more than 2000 attendance at a memorial site, observing a minute of virtual silence. Well, that was sweet!
At No four is, wait, get ready for this one. Itʼs crazy! An American engineer Kenneth Penie decided to have sex with a horse at a nearby farm. He brought two friends along to videotape it. Moments after the act, he had to be rushed to the hospital in pain with a ruptured colon from intercourse with the horse; he later died from his injuries. Hmmm, I have no words.
In 1993, a Canadian lawyer, Garry Hoy, took people on a tour of the Toronto- Dominion Centre, a building with many glass windows. He wanted to show them how strong the windows were; to do this, he threw himself against the glass, something he had done before. But unfortunately, he wasnʼt lucky as the window came out of his frame, and he fell to his death. Ouch!
And then there’s Edward Archbold, who in 2012 entered a live cockroach eating competition. (Wince ) He did well and devoured dozens of the creatures; he died afterwards from consuming the creatures. Surprise! Surprise!
It is crazy the things human beings can do that eventually turn out to be bad for them or, in the case of these stories, deadly. Please stay safe out there; you only have one life.