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Tame Your Jealousy!

Let’s appreciate each other more and be supportive and stop being envious of one another’s achievements, accomplishments and progress.
Jealousy is a complex emotion. It occurs when there is a real or perceived threat to an interpersonal relationship. An individual may resent a third person for taking away or appearing to take away the affections of their loved ones, or the position they held in a group or place.
Feelings that typically accompany the emotion include resentment, anger, hostility, and bitterness.
Everyone experiences jealousy at some point in their lives, but the emotion can become unhealthy and negatively impact their relationships with people. It can range in intensity. When itʼs severe, irrational jealousy can lead to distrust, paranoia, abuse, or even physical violence.
It is typically perceived as a negative emotion, it is natural to experience jealousy in a close relationship. You may feel suspicious jealousy which is often tied to low self-esteem and insecurity or reactive jealousy which is based on situations that threaten the relationship and are often tied to actions or situations that lead to or cause the betrayal of trust.
Jealousy can occur at any time, especially in situations that feel threatening, but the emotion can also build up over time.
Jealousy can be difficult to understand and process. Depending on the situation, you may feel embarrassed, threatened, insecure, or abandoned. You may choose to say something to your loved one, notifying them of your feelings, concerns or fears, or you may react more irrationally by yelling, taking time away from them, making demands, placing blame, and accusing them of something that didnʼt happen.
Even if a real threat presents itself, jealousy can lead to extreme behaviours, especially if you feel insecure about yourself or the relationship you have with people around you. Psychological and socioeconomic factors also contribute to jealousy. Depending on your personality and attachment style, you may be more prone to experiencing the emotion.
Jealousy is everywhere in homes, schools, and the workplace One could feel jealous when a loved one spends a lot of their time hanging with a friend(s) or talking at length with a coworker in their presence, and one could feel jealous when a partner acknowledges someone else’s accomplishments but not theirs, or a coworker gets a promotion and the other doesn’t or if one sibling is treated more special than the others.
Let’s stop focusing on the growth of others and wishing for their failure and focus more on ourselves to develop. To maintain healthy relationships with everyone you want to communicate your feelings, address expectations, and establish a foundation of mutual trust and understanding. By practising mindfulness, being honest and open, practising gratitude, less your expectations and confronting your fear and weaknesses which are holding you back.