A short history of Nigeria’s Journey.

The history of Nigeria is a rich mix of cultures, traditions, and political changes. It is a diverse country with over 250 ethnic groups and numerous languages. It’s one that can’t be told over a short while. In this article, I’ll be telling a brief story of Nigeria’s journey basically focusing on the key milestones that has led to the Nigeria of today. Let’s dive in

1. The Pre-colonial Period; which I call the ancient’s times or because it is characterized by the ancient kingdoms of Benin, Nri and Kanem-Bornu Empire. This period in Nigeria’s history dates back thousands of years with the rise of these several ancient kingdoms and empire which gradually developed into complex political and social structures leading to the advent colonialism.

2. Colonial Era: in the late 19th century, Nigeria went under The British Empire began. Nigeria was amalgamated into the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria in 1914. The British ruled over affairs of the state making significant changes in governance, economy, and culture. And then, there came Independence. On October 1, 1960, Nigeria gained independence from British colonial rule becoming a sovereign nation with Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa as the country’s first Prime Minister.

3. The First Republic; Nigeria adopted a republican constitution in 1963, with Nnamdi Azikiwe as its first President making it the First Republic. However, due to political instability and ethnic tensions the young democracy was lost and ended in 1966 with a series of uprising and coups.

4. Military Rule: A series of military coups and counter-coups led to several years of military rule from late 1966 to 1979. General Yakubu Gowon and later General Olusegun Obasanjo served as military heads of state.

5. The Second Republic (1979-1983): Nigeria briefly returned to civilian rule in 1979 with Shehu Shagari as President. However, allegations of corruption and economic challenges led to another military takeover. A coup in 1983 brought another phase of Miliataty rule.

6. Second Military Rule and Turmoil (1983-1999); during, this phase Nigeria experienced a turbulent period under military rule, including the rule of Generals Muhammadu Buhari, Ibrahim Babangida, and Sani Abacha. This era saw widespread human rights abuses and political unrest which ended by 1999.

7. The Fourth Republic (1999-Present) aka the Democratic Republic; Nigeria transitioned to a democratic system in 1999, with Olusegun Obasanjo elected as President. Since then, Nigeria has held several democratic elections, although political and ethnic tensions persist.

Nigeria has faced numerous challenges, including ethnic and religious conflicts, political corruption, economic disparities, and issues related to security and governance. It has one of the largest economies in Africa, driven primarily by its oil industry.However, economic diversification and poverty reduction remain significant challenges.

It is safe to say that Nigeria’s journey has been marked by a complex interplay of historical, political, and cultural factors but the nation continues to thrive in various fields facing challenges head-on while continuing in its quest for stability, development, and unity.