Slave Breeding Farms

During the peak of slavery , slave masters found a way to get more work done and buy less slaves. It was not a good thing, what am I saying ? The whole idea of slavery’s not a good thing but you wouldn’t believe what these slavers came up with.

Slave masters realized that importing slaves was stressful and many movements were calling for its abolishment so they decide to produce homemade slaves by creating breeding farms. 

On these farms, slave men were made to sleep with slave women so they could birth children that would carry on with work on the field. 

Sometimes the slave masters themselves would sleep with the women and birth children that were kept in the house as house slaves. These masters thought they were doing the slave women a favor by breeding with them. House slaves were more likely to be raped and if the master’s wife had reason to suspect her husband had fathered a slave child , she made life difficult for both mother and child.

Slave breeding farms not only ensured that slave masters didn’t spend a lot of money on the importation of slaves but it also made them richer. 

The more slaves they had, the more hands they had to work on their plantations and the greater the harvest and economic growth . 

Sometimes breeding among slaves was incestual as the slave masters would force slaves to breed with an aunt, sister and even mother. They only cared about making more slaves to continue work on their plantations and did it by any means necessary. 

This is one of the many horrors faced by enslaved people during the slavery era and many times it has been swept under the carpet even though it greatly dehumanized people and ruined their lives .