


Dependable, highly motivated and innovative. Highly effective in carrying out work duly assigned. Detail oriented, thrives in a dynamic work environment and quickly adapts to modifications.


A dynamic Arewaworld program delving into  fascinating topics, offering intriguing snippets that ignite curiosity and enrich minds across the globe! 🌍✨ 

There’s been a recent outbreak of Lassa Fever that unfortunately claimed lives in Kaduna state and other parts of Nigeria and before …

What would you do if you were falsely accused of theft and you swore your innocence but no one believed to the …

So you love to drink? But does your baby love to drink because why are you drinking while pregnant? Drinking while pregnant …

The couple that kills together stays together, that was true for Oladimeji and his wife, Adejumoke who specialized in securing body parts …

Has anyone ever loved you to the point where they created something everyone else could use ? Show of hands, none? Okay …

A girl’s worst nightmare is getting killed or hurt by a stranger but in 20 year old Justina Otuene’s case the killer …

Have you been battling with stubborn chin hair that only grows back thicker once you shave it off? There are a few …

What will you do if your child was bullied to death in his school for refusing to join a cult ?Sylvester Oromoni …

You don’t need to drink eight water of glasses a day to be fully hydrated. That’s just a myth we’ve been led …