Bye November, Hi December

The year is coming to an end, it’s almost time to hang up Christmas lights and sing carols before preparing to transition into a new year.
Where did all the time ago? This has been one rollercoaster of a year, so many unpredictable twists and turns, so many highs and lows. It has not been easy with all the news of wars breaking out in different parts of the world and the planet deteriorating because of the ways we continue to harm it. You probably had your own personal tragedies and I’m sorry if you lost someone this year, I pray you have the strength to sit with your grief and process it so you can heal as time goes on.
Congratulations to everyone who achieved great milestones this year and if you haven’t gotten something you’ve been waiting for yet, I hope you get it soon before the clock strikes twelve and a new year starts(we have one month left).Even then it’s not too late to get what you’ve always hoped and dreamed for.

Review the resolutions you made at the beginning of the year. Have you been faithful to all the promises you made to yourself? What areas have you fallen short in and how would you like to proceed? It’s time to make good on those promises and see how far you’ve come, you would be amazed at the progress you’ve made. Little progress is still progress, don’t fall into despair because it seems everyone is moving fast and you’re stuck in a spot you don’t want to be in. We are all on different journeys, move at your own pace.

Go out more, so many events happen in December. Go out and have a good time, buy tickets to events happening in your area. Make new friends and connect with people. It’s one month left, make the most of it. Start that project you’ve been putting off , try new hobbies, watch new movies, read more books, listen to new genres of music, check in on friends and family, protect your mental health. It’s not too late to begin self improvement and make your life better as a result.
I hope December brings good tidings and you have more highs than lows. November was good, I hope December is even better, after all the best way to end the year is with a bang.