Eating Mindfully: A Love Affair With Food

 I have been accused of eating slowly which has been met with disapproval from people around me who don’t eat the same way but it’s the only way I know how to eat because I believe the best way to enjoy a meal is to take your time and savor it. Treat it like a friend, be gentle and intentional.Imagine my excitement when I found out I wasn’t alone in this and people like me love to engage in what is called mindful eating.

Mindful eating involves eating with all your senses so you can really appreciate your meal. It starts from the choice of food, what it looks like down to its taste and how it makes you feel. It is truly a spiritual experience.

So how do you practice mindful eating?

Eat When You’re Hungry

Don’t just eat to eat, pay attention to your body and when it wants food, feed it. This protects you from indigestion and unhealthy weight gain. But don’t wait until you’re too hungry before you eat.

Pay Attention To The Food

Notice how it looks, smells and tastes. Feel the textures in your mouth and chew slowly, soak in all the flavors. Notice how it makes you feel.

Drop Your Spoons

Between bites keep your utensils and really taste and chew your food before you swallow it. Listen to your body, when you feel full stop eating.

Use Your All Senses

Using all your senses is the most important part of practicing mindful eating. You need to be able to identify how every sense comes together to provide an amazing dining experience.

Here’s what eating mindfully does to you :

1.It helps you understand your relationship with food, you become aware of when you turn to food for recreational purposes and not hunger.

2.It helps you make healthier food choices, because you realize what effect each food you consume has on your body.

3.You feel fuller quickly which helps with maintaining a healthy weight.

4.You derive more pleasure from eating because now you’re intentional about how and what you eat.

It may seem unrealistic to eat mindfully all the time. Sometimes due to no fault of yours you may find yourself making unhealthy food choices but it’s important to practice eating mindfully when you can as it provides for your body.