Five Reasons Why You Should Exercise Often

Exercise is any movement that requires you to move your muscles and burn calories. It is essentially a healthy activity that provides many benefits to your body, it may be strenuous, but it keeps you fit and healthy. There are many types of activities you could engage in to ensure the smooth running of your body, including swimming, running, hiking, dancing and a lot more. It helps keep your body active as it has been shown to impact you physically and mentally.
So if you do not exercise regularly or have never exercised in your life, here are five reasons to start;

Exercise is excellent for your muscles and bones.
Engaging in activités like weightlifting can help with muscle-building when mixed with an adequate protein intake. Exercise helps release hormones that support your muscle’s ability to absorb amino acids. This help with their growth and reduces their breakdown. As you age, you tend to lose muscle mass, leading to increased injury risk. Regularly engaging in physical exercise reduces muscle loss and helps you maintain strength as you age.
To help build your muscles, you can participate in physical activities like running, football, and basketball to promote a high bone density. Exercise could also help prevent osteoporosis later in life, which is a condition in which bones become weak and could easily break.

Exercise can help with weight loss.
Exercise is vital in achieving weight loss. Some research has shown that inactivity plays a big part in weight gain and obesity. So instead of investing in tummy tea and products that claim to deal with weight loss but have no results to prove that, start exercising. It is also not enough to just diet; a reduced intake of calories will lower your metabolic rate, which can temporarily delay weight loss. But when paired with regular exercise, a perfect balance is struck as your metabolic rate increases, burning more calories to help you lose weight.

Exercise can help with memory retention.
Exercise can improve brain function, help you retain your memory and preserve thinking skills.
Regular physical in older people is essential since ageing combined with stress could influence brain structure and function. It increases your heart rate and promotes the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain, stimulating the production of hormones and enhancing the growth of brain cells. It also reduces changes in the brain that could cause conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, diseases that cause memory loss.

Exercise can increase your resistance to pain.
This one seems tricky because when you start, exercising could cause you to feel pain intensely, but as you continue to do it, you begin to get used to the pain. This could help with dealing with chronic pain. As you build a resistance to pain through regular exercise, your tolerance levels will go up and help you control the pain when any ailment strikes you down.

Exercise can help with relaxation and improve sleep quality.
Regular exercise can help you with ease and better sleep quality. The loss of energy during exercise increases restorative processes while you sleep. The increase in body temperature that occurs when you exercise improves sleep quality as your body temperature will drop while you sleep.
A study found that physical activities like stretching helped improve people’s sleep quality who found it hard to sleep. Engaging in regular exercises benefits older people who are affected by sleep disorders. Any physical activity you decide to engage in, whether aerobic (swimming, cycling, walking, running) or non-aerobic (weightlifting, skipping, push-ups, squats), can help you sleep better and feel more energized during the day.

Overall, regular exercise is beneficial to your health, and it doesn’t require much movement to do it, depending on what you can handle. You could take a few minutes out of your day or hours to exercise as long as you do it in moderation. You also don’t need a gym membership to exercise; you could do it in the comfort of your home or do it with friends by going on hikes, cycling, jogging.