How To Achieve A Mental Glow Up

When people talk about a glow up, it is primarily physical—practising your ten-step skincare routine for clear skin, going to the gym or staying at home to exercise. There was a significant trend on the social networking app TikTok about physically growing up. People uploaded before and after pictures to show how much they have changed and achieved society’s acceptable physical glow up. It is excellent, don’t get me wrong, but if your mental state is poor compared to the physical, you would still be miserable.

The good thing is a mental glow up can be achieved the same way the physical one is reached. It would help if you had a little practice and dedication to clearing your mental space of toxins to get the desired transformation that helps you better navigate life.

The benefits from this glow up include;

A Better Sense Of Self
You wouldn’t need validation from anyone or depend on anyone to make you feel worthy of everything you desire. You would also filter your attitude and change toxic patterns or behaviours.

Better Body Image
You would stop trying to fit the ever-changing beauty standards and embrace the body you were born in. You wouldn’t feel the need to compare yourself to models and women you consider to be the embodiments of modern beauty standards.

Improved Health
Choosing to do the things beneficial to your body and overall well being would keep you in tip-top shape and require fewer visits to the doctor.

Stronger Relationships
Working on a positive mental state would help you keep relationships with friends, family and a significant other.

Getting started on achieving a mental glow up is not scary and can be quickly done through these ways:

Sleep well
Sleeping is an essential part of achieving a mental glow up. If you have a hard time maintaining a healthy sleep habit, you could make it a routine and ensure you go to bed at the time you set.

Embrace a more positive mindset
Your thoughts make you who you are. If you constantly think of negative things, you will attract negativity, and your vibe/aura would reflect that. So when you catch thinking something negative, change it in a way that sets you at ease.
Let’s say you were thinking, “oh, I ruined this opportunity. I am such a foolish person, and I ruin everything I touch. “
That is not healthy and would only leave you with a negative self-image. You could replace it with;
“I am not happy that I missed this opportunity, but I will be okay; something better will come along. I made a mistake, but it is not the end of the world. I’ll do better next time. “ In this example, you acknowledge your part in a problem but don’t put yourself down because of it.

Read And If You Already Do Read Good Books.
Reading culture has been replaced with mindlessly scrolling through social media, but it is a fantastic way of feeding your brain with information that could benefit you. The important thing is to read good books that impact you positively. Revive your reading habits if you stop.

Choose People Who Are Good For You
The people you surround yourself with impact how you move through life, whether you agree or not. If you want to live better, you have to choose people who have the same goals as you, people who support you and whom you feel supported by. The people in your circle have to reflect your values, or you would be miserable.

Learn To Enjoy Being Alone
If everyone leaves guess who’s still to be there? You! Learn to enjoy your own company spend some alone time doing things you want. It could be watching a movie or dancing in your room. You could also take it up a notch by taking yourself on dates. Getting comfortable with yourself is an essential step in achieving mental growth.

Sanitize Your Social Media
What you expose yourself to on the internet affects how you see yourself and your mental health.
If all you see are happy people living happy lives with perfect bodies, it could affect how you view yourself and your achievements.
If you find yourself comparing, feeling anxious, less-than or unhappy because you’re not like the people you see on your feed, it is time to take a break or gravitate towards content that doesn’t make you feel like a failure.

These are just some tips to help you achieve a sustainable mental glow up. You would be amazed at your transformation when you pursue healthy mental practices.