Political Climate; An Atmosphere of Turbulence

January 27, 2022

The air of tranquillity hovering over-ambition and declaration has begun moving with high speed. The matter of utmost urgency and the present situation open a space for people declaring their intention to contest in the forthcoming election.

The citizens carried a bundle of promises, stored and carefully recalled in their memories, under the apparent cordial atmosphere that prevailed among the political parties. It is now time to share their future and the forthcoming generation for something worth caring for even a single day. We recently saw how a campaign was flagged off, a detergent and Lipton were shared with the people in the community. This is how bad the token had dropped, and probably it was because of the hike of goods at the market.

The political climate is agitated, and everyone is trying to plant seeds of his ideas to harvest them during the forthcoming election. But the new weather that formed the atmosphere appears to be something not visible to the sight, and it seems like it is a double climate. The old climate that the environment is familiar with and a new cloud formed by youth is probably youth O’clock.

It is now time to buy citizens’ trust, who will vote for you during the election. Someone who will steer the ship and navigate its way to future greatness. In this process, every citizen must vote for his choice, not only his choice but the best to move that ship in a direction against wind and storm, to prevent wreckage.

Since the second republic, politicians had moved into the driver’s seat, steering the wheel of Nigeria politics. Different drivers with different maps, all of which were joined down Into different types of the political climate, trying to find out which suits us best. This offered the opportunity to some to put down a good vision, and some misused the opportunity, creating chaos and making the atmosphere turbulence.
I am not good at politics, but the little I know about history was when some of our drivers steered the will towards the wreckage, the military always intervened to set the moving ship back in the direction needed to navigate. We have recently seen the military intervene in some countries to save them from catastrophe.

Someone may ask, but why does the military always intervene when they see dangers ahead? It is to clear the mess and prevent the country from National destruction. But to some extent, the military’s intervention can do a lot of damage to the political climate, going with the root of democracy.

The political climate of Nigeria today is something worth attending to. For the past decades, when it was handed to people to rule themselves, much damage has been done. We no longer need the military to play a vital role. I think we have regained our senses and know what is good for us.

The election is a medium to offer us the opportunity we need, to bring someone who can drive the big ship. This ship has always collapsed not because we don’t have good drivers over the years, but because it was poorly operated and navigated towards a sandstorm that disrupted the country and put the Nation in Turmoil. And I think by now, we have learned a lot of lessons from those years of suffering. And the worst part of it was that the drivers suffered from their actions. They could not create an atmosphere that would be conducive for them.

A Lot of parties are emerging, this is not something to be disturbed, but it shows how diverse our society has become over those years. And the best among those parties are the ones that could produce a good leader with a more excellent vision and dreams for the betterment of his country.

Let me ring this, what is expected of every citizen is to choose a good leader. A leader from any ethnic group or religion is willing to sacrifice his comfort to serve the people. Someone who can wipe away those tears that flow down the cheeks of the citizens who formed our new cloud. This person can be a youth or an old energetic person willing for the race. We must rebuild our society and nation to have a sustainable life and development, which will benefit everyone starting from the grassroots, where much attention is needed. Indeed there’s a lot of gap to bridge, but only a focused leader with great ideas and dreams will achieve that. If we keep repeating our mistakes repeatedly, selling the future through our votes, we will continue to remain in one place or even get worse than we expect.