Why I Hate Mondays!

Who likes Mondays? Not me or many people that I know. Something about it being the start of a workweek or school week and the end of a weekend makes it gloomy. Real Mondays haters know you start getting sad once it’s Sunday night.

Monday comes with a lot of stress and hours staying stuck in traffic because everyone is trying to get somewhere. And many say that your Monday lets you know how the rest of your week will go. If it doesn’t start right, you may not enjoy the rest of the week.

My dislike for Monday is not like when I was in secondary school because I found a way to make it work for me and not let it ruin the rest of my week; carrying bad vibes for an entire week is not fun. And maybe some of you have found a way to cope, but not everybody has found a way to make it work.

In fact, in 1979, 16-year-old Brenda Spencer opened fire on an elementary school outside her house because of her disdain for Mondays, leaving eight children and a police officer injured and two dead.

When asked what her motive was, she said, “I just don’t like Mondays…..this livens up the day “. Brenda is now 58 and serving a life sentence in a California prison.

Brenda took her hate for Mondays to another level, and she killed people. But I believe many of us wouldn’t consider killing anyone because we hate Mondays. Still, we may scream at strangers for bumping into us, make employees regret passing the interview and taking a job at our company, make our teachers upset because we can’t seem to understand anything we are being taught, and it is not pleasant at all.
So how do we deal with Mondays? Well, I could offer a few tips that have worked for me, and they include ;

Organize your stuff
Iron your clothes, and put everything you need where you can find it, so you don’t wake up looking for little things and start Monday poorly. If everything is where it should be, you’ll get it and go.

Sleep early
Go to bed early on Sunday night, so you don’t wake up tired or sleep in late and arrive at work or school late. Hanging out with friends or watching a late-night movie may be tempting, but it’s best to resist that temptation and go to bed, you know what they say about the early bird.

Dress up nice
Time and time again, it’s been said that if you dress good, you’ll feel good, I feel great when I’m wearing cool outfits that I like, and it helps me stay positive no matter what is thrown my way. I wouldn’t be caught stressing when I know my outfit looks like a million naira.
Be Positive

Be Positive
Don’t wake up and presume that your Monday will be wrong. You are what you believe, and if you think things would fall apart simply because it’s Monday, then it is likely to happen. Be excited for Monday; it’s always going to come around; you can’t change it might as well enjoy it.

Identify the Problem
You need to ask yourself why you hate Monday so much or why things don’t seem great on that day and if it’s something you change , work on changing it.
These are just a few tips for dealing with Monday blues that you can try out and see if it works for you . Let’s make Monday cool and fun.