Learning To Hold Yourself Accountable

itʼs easy to point out the flaws of other people but pointing the finger at yourself is the hardest thing because it comes with a sense of shame for possessing traits that are not nice and could harm us and others around us.
It is hard to stand in the mirror and confront ourselves with the dark truths about ourselves but for personal growth self-awareness and accountability are very necessary.
You are human and because of that, you are not perfect. You will make mistakes, and you will hurt people but you have the chance to accept those mistakes and make amends.
It doesnʼt come easy to anybody but with continued practice, you will not hesitate to call yourself out on your mistakes.
Accountability is necessary for success in our adult life and whatever the field may be, you need it to move forward so here are some great ways to practice personal accountability.
Practice Self Awareness
You know yourself better than anyone, you know when you are doing things that are wrong even if you refuse to admit it to yourself. So tap into that, and think about areas in your life where you are struggling. You are probably financially irresponsible, lazy and lack self-discipline and
these traits are ruining certain areas of your life. It is important to address them, get clear with yourself and find ways to improve in those areas.
Start small and over time you would have considerable change.
Remember You Are Only Human
We have learned to associate mistakes with shame, so it is hard to hold ourselves accountable when we refuse to admit that what we did was wrong because we are ashamed. It is important to remember that at some point you will do things you are not proud of and it doesnʼt make you a bad person, you have the opportunity to change and become better but first, you have to acknowledge your wrongdoing and apologize to anyone it may have affected.
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Sometimes you may mean well but end up hurting people around you. So when that happens, ask how you have hurt them and what to do to make it better. Do not assume you know what is best.
Recognize Unhealthy Patterns
If you are in a habit of overspending, address your relationship with money. Ask yourself why you tend to use more than you need and
stay committed to disciplining yourself and being more responsible with it. Confide in people who are more financially responsible than you and learn how they manage to have a great relationship with money.