Let It Go, It’s Okay

It’s difficult to look at setbacks and disappointments and find silver linings in them. We all want happy endings, and occasionally they manifest in the unhappy things we have experienced.

When you feel disappointment, it tears at your heart and the only thing you want to do is scream about the unfairness of life or hide away in a little corner until it is safe to come out again, all very valid reactions. You try to make sense of the terrible cards you’ve been dealt and many times you’re left confused.

Unfortunately, this is all part of the human experience and if you pay close attention, you’ll find that some of those roadblocks you encountered were intended to help you grow.

So, I challenge you to look for meaning in your suffering. You didn’t get the job? well, , a better one is on the way. Did you have to end a relationship? It has run its course, and it’s time to move on. Did you lose a friend? It’s okay, we outgrow each other.

Everything happens for a reason is cliché but it’s true. You may go crazy trying to figure out the reason, and you may never get the answers you want, but you have to put your best foot forward and keep hoping that it will land on what’s best for you. Release your pain, try again.