People Making Assumptions is ‘not’ Healthy.

December 5, 2023

I personally do not like people making assumptions about things or events. Making assumptions is not a healthy way to live, especially if we make those assumptions boldly and loudly without first asking questions in a way that would answer the doubts in our minds.

This could tend to create a rift between individuals and relationships. Making assumptions could ruin live long friendships and break trusts between people. It could result in so many emotions anger, disappointments and pain.

Healthy assumptions are those that are been made in silence and conclusions made after asking questions. In human interactions, especially one that involves love, it is common for partners to make assumptions for the errors and mistakes for their lover. It allows them to be more accommodating and understanding.  On another hand, when this is done beyond covering for excesses and for a longer period of time, it causes a strain on the relationship.

Assumptions can lead to breakdown in communications. When people assume to know what someone else is thinking or how the person is feeling about something instead of seeking clarifications it creates a communication gap.

Making assumptions about people or the reason people behave the way they do often involve judging them and making unfair and incomplete conclusions and this can also leave room for conflicts and disagreements to come in.

In a work environment, assuming certain ideas would go wrong if implemented or that ideas from certain individuals don’t count can limit the growth of the company. In business and entrepreneurship, assumptions can result in missed opportunities.

Asking questions and seeking clarification with an open mind is the best way to overcome making assumptions so frequently.  

Assumptions can yield negative consequences and so to foster healthier interactions and maintain cordial relationships, it is important to avoid making assumptions and strive for openness.