The implication of the Russia Ukraine Conflict on Africa

The tensions between Russia and Ukraine impact politics, economy and diplomacy in countries across the world. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledged the independence of two regions in Eastern Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, then deployed troops to the breakaway areas.

Donetsk and Luhansk, collectively known as the Donbas region, broke away from the Ukrainian government in 2014 and proclaimed themselves independent. Still, their independence was further solidified by Putinʼs comments regarding them. They have an agreement to build bases in Russia, and Russia can do the same.

There have been reports of explosions in Kyiv, Ukraine, indicating that Russia has already struck the first blow. This solidifies fears that it could escalate into another world war as Russiaʼs has triggered sanctions from the west.

You may wonder how any of that can impact Africa; there is an excellent chance it could because both warring countries have made a significant impact on the continent. Russia is more politically involved and Ukraine more resource involved, which will impact Africa as the conflict escalates.

The Russian and Ukrainian government (part of the Soviet Union) has sponsored large scale military, social and educational programmes across Africa to foster beneficial relations. By providing security assistance to post-colonial militaries across the African continent, specifically weaponry and expertise.
Russia, in particular, has extended its arms to Africa in hopes that the relations may help achieve its goal for international for building ties across the globe. The Russian government expanded its activities on the continent to include involvement and support of African peacekeeping operations, participation in the global anti-piracy task force, and defence and security assistance. Countries such as Algeria, Angola, Ethiopia, etc., have significantly benefitted from Russia’s weaponry and security instruments.

The Ukrainian government also supports African countries such as Guinea Bissau and Kenya with military weaponry and expertise. Ukraine is the major arms supplier to the Kenyan Defence Forces.

This has created a long term impact and has developed military operations across Africa. As African countries have grown accustomed to Russian weaponry and technical supplies, a level of dependency has formed since it has been the only country able to satisfy Africa’s increasing demand for modernized weaponry, technical staff and military personnel. In return, Africa transfers shares of their own companies to Russian firms as payment.

With this impending crisis, The Russian/Ukrainian Government is likely to pull out of specific deals, leaving most African countries stranded with supplies. While we have many terrorist groups rising in various parts of the world, Africans might be unable to handle some of the events that might happen because they have depended on them for a long time. Although a few countries have been able to have a specific type of organization around weaponry and military, more than half of the African continent will be significantly affected.

Russiaʼs involvement in Africa has increased in recent years. As the United States loosened its grip on Africa and African leadership, the Kremlin saw an opportunity to swoop in. Russia has an advantage in
gaining allies and creating a political structure similar to Russia in Africa. Russiaʼs access to the arms trade, world influence, natural resources and displacement of western influence has increased. In a 2019 Russia- Africa summit, Russia offered weapons to support the Central African Republic in their rebel fights. This exemplified Russiaʼs desire for collaboration and a relationship with African countries.
On the other hand, Ukraine provides resources to Africa as the country is a massive exporter of natural products and oils. This began while Ukraine was under the USSR; Ukraine continues to hold a significant role in Africaʼs imports.

With both playing a significant role in the African continent, the conflict between both countries would have crucial effects. Russian mercenaries were withdrawn from Africa and moved from the continent to the border of Ukraine this month. If Ukraine becomes a battleground, access to farming and export would be reduced significantly, leading to a risk of food insecurity since Ukraine is a prominent exporter of resources to Africa.