Tips For Dealing With Stress

It has been a rollercoaster of a year, some days you just want to hide away in a little corner and block out all the noise. Everyday brings new challenges and it gets hard managing everything that is thrown your way. So, here are some tips to help you cope on days when you feel very overwhelmed.

Listen To Music

Music is very therapeutic and with the right playlist you would feel like you could take on the world. Create playlists that uplift you and elevate your mood. Listen when you are moving or sitting still, it will regulate your mood and calm your nervous system.

Take a Bath

Nothing like a nice, warm bath to wash the day’s stress off your body and make you feel good. Choose sweet smelling soaps to maximize the experience. It is also the perfect moment to clear your mind.


You don’t have to be a great writer to do this, keep a notebook or use the notes app on your phone to articulate your thoughts or how you are feeling. It is like venting to a friend, especially when you have no one to talk to or feel like no one understands you.

Take Walks

Taking a walk would do wonders for you because not only is it healthy, it’s also calming and good for your mental health.

Take Time Away From Your Devices

Staring at a screen and mindlessly scrolling for hours could be one of the reasons you are stressed. Unplug, focus on yourself and your surroundings. Engage in activities that do not require you to use your phone or computer.


It is simple as that. Sometimes, all you need is a healthy dose of sleep to feel rejuvenated and like yourself again. Make sure you are getting the right amount of sleep and try to squeeze in as many naps as you can.

Have Something To Look Forward To

It could be a getaway with friends, a trip to the supermarket to restock food items, the release of a new movie/show or song. These are all simple things that could uplift your mood and keep you grounded. Finding something to be excited about is a nice and effective way of dealing with stress.


A clean space helps with a clear mind. Take out the trash and restore your living space to a lovely sanctuary. Take out the things you no longer need and donate them to those who do. You’d be amazed at the wonders of moving in a clean space.