To Beat Or Not To Beat? Is Physical Punishment Necessary For School Kids?

Throughout my school year, I had never experienced any kind of punishment. I remember My dad Always going with me to every session to caution the new teacher and also the head teacher or principal, he would also send a letter to the school director. So I don’t know what it feels like to be punished.
Because of that, I also try to prevent my sister from having that experience. So whenever they resume school I go with them to talk to their principal about that.
Recently, they started complaining about a particular teacher, every week he would punish their whole class and sometimes even the whole school. Oftentimes when they start talking about how he punished them I leave the room because it upsets me.
Last week, the teacher punished all the senior students for something so trivial and both the boys and girls were given the same punishment.
When they were serving the punishment one of the female students fainted, and others who refused to do the punishment were severely beaten. When they came back home my sisters couldn’t do anything, we had to take one of them to the hospital where she was examined and treated.
The next day all the senior students were absent from school, and that is when the principal started to call each parent to ask why they were absent. Some of my sister’s friend’s parents contacted me and concluded to report this case to the police officers since this was not the first time, it’s been happening and the school management did nothing about it even with the parents complaining.
Severe punishment may cause negative relationships between a student and the teacher. From a psychological viewpoint, punishment is defined as anything that decreases the occurrence of a behaviour; physical pain, withdrawal of attention, loss of tangibles or activities, a reprimand or even something others would find rewarding, One of the main goals of punishment is to invoke fear in the student so that the behaviour does not occur again. In school, teachers punish students for being late to school, for not following the school rules, for not doing classroom assignments and for failing to perform better in tests and examinations. Some support and oppose the use of punishment, particularly corporal punishment.
Those who support the use of punishment believe that if children are not punished, they will develop into unmanageable and uncontrollable citizens. In large classrooms, for example, punishment is seen by teachers as the proper way to deal with discipline when they find it difficult in maintaining silence and instructions.
People who oppose the use of corporal punishment view the harmful effects of punishment i.e physical punishment as not only lasting in childhood but often well into adulthood.
They also believe that punishment dehumanises children, violates children’s right to equal protection under the law and has negative rather than positive consequences for children.
They generally believe that punishment makes children worthless, scared and ashamed, increases child aggression, increases antisocial behaviour, and lowers intellectual achievements and it can lead to mental health problems.
To ensure its effectiveness, punishment should be accompanied by an explanation for why the child is punished and how that can be avoided in the future or what kind of behaviour would be appropriate. The teacher or the parent should give this information before but not after delivering the punishment. Giving explanations helps to prevent the development of general fear of the punisher On the other hand, punishment should not involve physical abuse. This is to say that, the punisher should avoid harsh physical punishment; instead he/she can use the minimum punishment necessary to suppress misbehaviour.