What Happened On The Night Of October 20, 2020?

20th October 2022 makes it two years since the Nigerian army opened fire on citizens protesting police brutality.On the anniversary of the endsars massacre, we revisit the events and itʼs impact on Nigerians.
Tired of the high-handedness of a special unit of the Nigerian police known as the endsars movement, Nigerians young and old took to the street to protest atrocities committed by the unit.
It was one of the greatest shows of unity by citizens with many camping outside and others supporting with food and other items. Many prominent Nigerians also joined the protest, it was a call for an end to police brutality and the disbandment of the SARS unit that was heard around the world, following in the steps of the Black Lives Matter protests after George Floydʼs death in the same year.
The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) was created in 1992 to fight serious crimes but they had become perpetrators of those crimes, profiling young men especially based on what they wore and extorting them of money, employing force that sometimes resulted in death.
The protests carried on until October 20 when the Nigerian army opened fire on protestors who had camped outside the Lekki toll gate, shooting and killing many. Chilling images of that night were scattered across the internet. One particular one that has stuck with me is the blood-stained Nigerian flag.
While many expressed anger at the massacre others claimed it was a hoax and no one was killed, some still hold this belief to this day even after the mountain of evidence that the massacre happened was exposed.
Many lost their lives and loved ones who had gone out in hopes of bringing change to a flawed system. It would go down as a very dark time in Nigerian history.
A judicial panel was created to investigate the happenings of that night since some claimed it was a hoax. Their findings showed that it indeed happened but to date, no one has been prosecuted/punished for the deaths of innocent Nigerians whose only crime was wanting change.
Two years and the question remains; who ordered the shooting of endsars protester?