You Are Good Enough Just As You Are

Do you measure your success by what you donʼt have or by looking at your peerʼs accomplishments? Itʼs okay; a lot of people do that.
Itʼs hard to look at what people your age are doing and not feel like youʼre lagging behind. Lifeʼs short, and in that limited time, you aspire to achieve youʼve dreamed about since you were like ten years old.
But while itʼs normal to feel this way, you need to remember that you are not the same as them, and you have no idea when they started their journey and how long it took them to get to their preferred destination. All you see is results, not sleepless nights, wet pillows from crying and uncertainty for the future. You only see the pretty parts because those are the parts that are good enough to show to you. You havenʼt failed, you are not stuck youʼll get to where you need to be, but you have to focus on your journey and block out the noise.
Pat yourself on the back for your little wins. You saved up enough money to buy something you always wanted that you couldnʼt afford a few years ago? Amazing! You made a to-do list and completed all the tasks on it? Great! Have you finally stopped a lousy habit youʼve been trying to quit? Wow.

When you sit down and block out the voices in your head, youʼll realize that thereʼs is so much you have achieved on a small scale and a big one that you fail to acknowledge because itʼs not grand as the people whose lives you envy. Be grateful for your small wins theyʼll eventually pile up into bigger ones; stop looking at other people as a model for your success. They are doing great but so are you, no matter how little.