APC National Youth Leadership: Why I am contesting

A National Youth Leadership aspirant of the All Progressive Congress, Khalifa Muhammad Binu Yahya, thanked the founder of Arewa World, Abdullahi Kaka Abubakar, and the media organization’s entire team for setting the pace in terms of media practice in the north.

This was obtained in an audio message he sent to the media organization. The message started with the aspirant saying, “I wish to greet the entire people of Nigeria, especially the North.”

“I wish to especially salute the chief executive of Arewa world, Malam Abdullahi Kaka. May Allah SWT continue to help you and those you are working within whatever you do.”

“Without wasting much time, the main reason why I came out to contest for the position of National Youth Leader of the APC is that I believe it is time for the youths to take charge of the affairs of this country. Research has shown that the youth comprise seventy percent of our entire population. The youths are knowledgeable about the current wave of modern advancement, and it is also the youths that are knowledgeable about the use of computers and other modern gadgets. If Allah SWT gives us victory, we shall God’s willing make sure we unite the youths because the youths are not united and there cannot be a success without unity.”

He further stated that “we cannot achieve this without the youths knowing that this movement is for all of us. We have to work together for us to be successful. We know the current state of happenings in the country, and every youth is disturbed by these happenings. If Allah SWT makes us successful in this election, we shall make sure all the youths become united. And thank God the youths are involved in media and communication, and we shall make sure we send our message to them. We shall talk to them properly, unite them, and sit together to discuss the issues we’re currently facing. We know that in the past, many promises were made to us that were not fulfilled. We want to make sure that this time around, we unite together and fulfil these promises. Because we have the strength, and if we unite together, God’s willing, we will be successful.”

He concluded by saying, “This is my message to you all, brothers and sisters. We need your support, and if God wills that we will be successful, it is not a success for one person but a success for all. May Allah SWT make us successful, and Insha Allah, we will work for the whole nation. Wassalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah.”

You can listen to the Audio here. It is Hausa
