Climate change in Nigeria: Health and Environmental Risks

Nigeria’s climate has been changing dramatically over the years. It typically has a tropical climate divided into two seasons; the wet and the dry seasons. These seasons vary across parts and regions in the country. It is hot and wet most of the year in the Southern region but mostly dry in the Northern territories.

Because of the climatic changes, there has been extreme levels of rainfall, rise in temperature levels, and desertification in some parts of the north leading to cattle rearers migrating to areas where they can find food for their animals and getting into clashes with landowners.

This rapid climate change is influenced by human activities such as bush burning, deforestation, and air pollution, leading to increased health risks. Diseases like meningitis, skin cancer, and malaria are all consequences of climate change.

According to the World Health Organization, a large number of reported meningitis outbreaks caused by excessive heat are from Nigeria, with most of the cases happening in the northern region of the country. Exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun is another cause of concern as it is a leading cause of skin cancer. Malaria, which is carried by the anopheles mosquito, results from wet areas due to excessive rainfall, which is a good breeding condition for mosquitoes.

The diseases and consequences mentioned are valid reasons to take climate change seriously and take steps to ensure the environment is protected so that we are also covered. Environmental experts recommend that exposure to air pollutants be reduced. More trees should be planted, the burning of bushes should be stopped, and a cleaner, healthier lifestyle should be adopted.