Destruction of the ecosystem; the world of climate change

The world’s population is growing with tremendous speed, actions and activities are increasing without regulation. The ecosystem is changing, and nature is not smiling at us. Our actions have caused a lot of damage to ourselves and our environment. There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that global surface temperatures have increased in recent decades and that the trend is caused mainly by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases. This action has destabilized our ecosystem, the increase in temperatures caused by industrial activities and, in particular, the greenhouse effect is increasing without magnitude nor direction. The causes of climate change are not natural but driven by human actions and industries.

Climate change includes human-induced global warming and its large-scale impacts on weather patterns. The current changes are more rapid, and the earth and humans are in a state of dangerous attack. The leading cause is the emission of greenhouse gases, mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane. Burning fossil fuels for energy also creates most of these emissions. Agriculture, steel making, cement production, and deforestation are also significant sources that increase the emission of those gases. Temperature rise is affected by climate changes, such as the loss of sunlight-reflecting snow cover and the release of carbon dioxide from drought-stricken forests. Collectively, these amplify global warming.

The environmental effects of climate change are broad and affect larger scales of the earth, affecting oceans, ice, and weather. Changes may occur gradually or rapidly. Evidence for these effects comes from studying climate change in the past, from modelling, and from modern observations. The increase in temperatures linked to industrial activities and the greenhouse effect needs to be regulated to make the ecosystem a good place to stay for humans and animals.

To fight climate change, we must first reduce our greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. We need to make use of natural renewable energies, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat, and avoid creating energy by burning fossil fuels. Everything has to be efficient because the energy coming from a renewable source is not carbon neutral and will still contribute to ozone depletion.

We need to adopt new strategies to overcome these growing challenges that climate change is bringing. Regulatory bodies can be set up to evaluate and implement important things the environment needs, like afforestation and other forms of energy to power our industrial machines and transportation means. For this to happen, we should create a sustainable development, where the effects of climate change should be addressed from the grassroots and the dangers ahead. And to provide whats the society needs to implement those projects, to create an atmosphere full of vegetation and conducive to humanity.