Maintaining a Fine Line Between Parent and Best Friend

Our homes are the first socialization centre of our children; hence it is imperative to train them properly.
Kids are a blessing, but parenting is a commitment that takes patience and the ability to listen and talk whichever the situation calls. To be the best parents possible, we must support our kids in their daily lives; let’s groom them well from infant to adults even when they live at home, not under our roof anymore.
To shape a disciplined and morally upright person, we must find a balance between affection and discipline.
Our children are often exposed to mixed interpretations of reality at home and school. And every day, it’s not just about correcting spelling errors or ensuring good behaviour; it’s about teaching honesty, integrity and virtues such as fairness, justice and respect.
The truth is, if you don’t train and discipline your child, society will teach them in the wrong way. It’s time for you to take responsibility and lead by example.
Teach them not to be entitled, expecting that they would get whatever they want at the drop of a hat.
Lessons of life start at an early age. Teach your children healthy habits and life skills now to enable them to achieve better outcomes in the future.
Remember, you can always train a puppy or a child, but you cannot discipline an animal or a grown-up.
Society may not be the best role model for your child. Self-harm and depression, cyberbullying and suicide: all of these are becoming more and more common among teens. You have to make your children feel secure and loved. Look out for signs of a tough time and help them get through it instead of compounding the problem.
Donʼt let your home or parenting skills be a crime starter. Every time you start a new relationship with someone, what do you do? You learn about them, discover their passions, and allow them to be themselves around you. It is the same for kids. If we donʼt give kids the opportunity to feel comfortable around us and open up, we will stunt their growth, and they will eventually resent us.
Play your role as a parent in the right way. Poor parenting is gradually becoming a pandemic in our society today; overpampering and overlooking your children’s faults is not healthy. You may be trying to give them a better upbringing than you got by overcompensating, but you have to know when to draw the line between parent and best friend. Setting boundaries and showing them that actions have consequences when they cross these lines is crucial. You don’t have to be a monster to prove a point; you can show them gently that accountability is essential, and if they don’t behave well, they will not be rewarded.
If you don’t train your child or children, they will become individuals that are entitled and make others around them uncomfortable. You will be left to face the consequences of your actions and negligence.