Staying Healthy In Rainy Season

The heavens have opened, and it pours every day now, more than before. So if you havenʼt, now is time for you to take the necessary steps to stay healthy and happy this season because it is when you will most likely catch a cold, fever or food-borne infection. The following are tips that will help prevent an unfavourable health situation.

Stay away from downpours

This may not be easy because sometimes you get caught in the rain due to circumstances out of your hands. But make sure to carry an umbrella or raincoat, so you donʼt get beaten by the rain and ultimately fall sick.
Take a hot shower
If you do get caught in the rain, make sure to take a hot shower afterwards. That is because the rain could cause your temperature to increase and open you up to the risk of potential infections.
Use Mosquito Repellents
During the rainy season, mosquitoes have the time of their lives, feeding on as much blood as they please. So it is a must for you to keep things that push them away like insecticide cans, mosquitoes and repellent creams.
Maintain a good personal hygiene
Germs are more likely to spread during this season, so it is essential to keep your environment clean. If you catch a cold, keep your hands clean by washing them or using a hand sanitiser, so you donʼt spread it to others.
Snack Lightly
The digestive system is weaker in rainy weather, so it is advisable to eat easily digested foods, such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Drink Water
This cannot be overemphasised, you may feel less thirsty, but it is vital to maintain a healthy fluid intake as it may lead to dehydration if you donʼt. Also, drinking water helps flush toxins out of your body.
These tips will help keep you healthy this season and avoid the risk of catching cold and other infections.