People Who Ate Other People

There is no limit to the levels of insanity humans wouldn’t try to reach. If eating animals out of extinction isn’t enough, some people resorted to feeding on other people; it is the type of thing you only see in movies or read in books, not something you expect to happen in real life. Here are a few people who have eaten other people.
Katherine Knight is an Australian woman who due to the severity of her crime became the first woman in Australian history to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.
In 2000, she murdered her boyfriend John Price, as if that wasnʼt enough she cut up parts of his body cooked them into a meal and tried to feed his children their father’s flesh as dinner.
She served up some for herself too but when she was found the meat was untouched. So she technically didnʼt eat him she attempted to and not only that she tried to feed him to his children which is just evil.
Then there is Omaima Nelson, an Egyptian former model who is currently serving a life sentence for murdering her husband Bill Nelson. Her case made international headlines because of the nature of the crime.
She was born in Egypt but moved to the United States in 1986. And in 1991 she met Bill Nelson, a 56-year-old pilot when she was 23.
They got married after only a few days of meeting and as quickly as the marriage began was the same way it ended.
Because on 28 November 1991 a month after their wedding she killed him, cut his head off and cooked it then she boiled his hand to remove his fingerprints. She then mixed the other parts of his body with leftover turkey and disposed of them.
After she was caught she claimed her husband had tried to rape her and she killed him in self-defence. She also confessed to a psychiatrist that she ate parts of him, a confession she later took back. All her attempts to get out of prison on parole have failed.
Armin Meiwes’ story is a bit different because his victim was willing to be eaten. Armin was a German computer repair technician who became obsessed with serial killers and wanted to have a taste of human flesh. After his mother’s death, the 39-year-old placed an ad on a forum for fellow human meat enthusiasts called The Cannibal Cafe asking for a young, well-built man who wanted to be eaten. The ad got a responder, 43-year-old engineer Bernd Brandes.
He went over to Arminʼs house, where he took some painkillers to numb the pain of amputation. He had requested to have his penis cut off and fed to him. Armin fried it with salt, pepper, wine and garlic and some of Brandesʼ own fat. He only managed to eat one bite before he lost consciousness because of his blood loss. He didnʼt regain consciousness so Armin slit his throat, cut up his body and stored it in the freezer then took some of it to prepare dinner. He finally got his wish, a taste of human flesh from a willing donor. Over the next 20 months, he ate 44 pounds of Brandesʼ flesh.
He was caught in 2002 after he continued to seek out victims online. When Police searched his house and found Brandesʼ’s flesh he claimed it was wild boar meat, but police found footage of the crime disproving this claim.
He was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 but he has currently been permitted to roam the streets as part of his rehabilitation.
Even scarier is Issei Sagawa a Japanese man who was studying in France when he murdered his friend Renee Hartevelt a Dutch student and ate her. He stated that his only regret was that he
didnʼt eat her while she was alive.
Killing her fulfilled a wish he had been carrying for 32 years, he stated that he had always had an obsession with human flesh and harboured a desire to taste it. He compared it to finding a woman attractive but instead of wanting to be with them like a normal person would he wanted to eat them.
He put her remains in a suitcase and tried to dump them in a lake at a French park but several people noticed blood dripping from it and the police were alerted.
When the police arrived he simply told them he killed her to eat her.
After two years in a French prison, he was put on trial but was declared legally insane and ordered to be placed in a mental institution.
He was deported back to Japan but instead of spending the rest of his days in a mental institution, he was released because the Japanese authorities had no case against him since the charges in France had been dropped.
He became somewhat of a local celebrity and granted interviews to many publications talking about his urges and saying the month of June was when he craved human flesh the most because it was hot and women wore less. He has published 20 books and still
moves freely today.
I think it is sad that Reneeʼs family lost her and her killer gets to move freely talking about his twisted desires without any remorse.
And to end these wild stories is Jeremiah Ode who allegedly cut off his Auntʼs head with a machete and used it to cook pepper soup. 45-year-old Jeremiah was known to have mental issues but no one thought he would find his 65-year-old Aunt Priscilla tasty and use her head to make some pepper soup.
After she didnʼt return from the farm, her family searched everywhere before they found Ode eating her head. He confessed to the crime and was prosecuted.
All of these stories sound like the plot of a really scary horror movie except they really happened and I still canʼt wrap my head around all of the crimes these people committed. Human beings get bored and commit the most insane crimes for real.