Six Nigerian Tv Series You Probably Forgot

Way before the advent of cable many families turned to channels like NTA and AIT for family time entertainment. Everyone knew what time their favourite shows would come on and they were prepared to view these shows as a way of bonding with their families after a long day at work or school. So today I will help you reminisce by listing five shows we all loved growing up, especially if you grew up in the early 2000s for the gen z people like me.
Everyday People
A sitcom centred around the daily lives of a middle-class family and their neighbours in Nigeria. It starred top Nollywood stars like the late Sam Loco Eve, Carol King, Norbert Young, Desmond Elliot and a host of others.
I remember watching it with my family and I especially loved the soundtrack, I remember it goes “everyday people thatʼs you that’s me”.
I may have forgotten the lyrics but donʼt blame me my earliest memory of watching it was when I was like seven years old.
Dear Mother
It follows a widow Teju raising her children Ifeanyi, Susan and Ada the best way she can in Nigeria. I remember this one made me want to be a child actor because I and the youngest daughter Susan were close in age. I watched it religiously.
Binta and Friends
Oooh, my favourite! Produced by Wale Adenuga, Binta gave us drama with amazing plot twists, the character of mother gagool one of the showʼs villains terrified me. She was so scary and she made Bintaʼs life a living hell. I donʼt remember what happened most of the time but mother gagool was a very memorable character.
It first aired in 2005 and followed young Binta and all her adventures.

It first aired on AIT in 2005 starring Kali Ikeagwu, Femi Branch, Kate Henshaw, and Angela Phillips among others. It aired every Sunday.
It was intense and full of drama, revolving around billionaire Lord Williams, his kids and his househelp turned wife.
I donʼt remember a lot about the story but I had a gigantic crush on Kalu Ikeagwu, he was the villain I think but he was also dreamy.
Fuji House of Commotion
Produced and directed by the late Amaka Igwe and it was a spinoff of the nineties soap opera Checkmate.
It followed the lives of Chief Fuji, his four wives and their numerous children. It was so funny, easily one of my favourite sitcoms from that era. The bickering among the wives and the antics of their children was always so entertaining.
And I saved the best for last with the acclaimed Superstory! An anthology series created by the legendary Wale Adenuga, producing popular characters like Toyin Tomato played by acclaimed actress Sola Sobowale and Suwara. Superstory was a unifying factor in many households with its captivating stories because once it was 8ʼ0 clock on Thursday, many families would be sat in front of the tv ready to watch the dayʼs episode.
There were many notable stories in the anthology like The Grasscutter, An Eye for an Eye, Oh father oh daughter, Nnenna and others.
The soundtrack was also really catchy if you grew up watching the series I bet you can sing it.
My favourite thing about sitcoms and soap operas of that era was the soundtrack, they made really catchy tunes. But with the advent of cable and social media, it is now an era we look back on fondly and may never experience again.