Black Tax

Black tax refers to the obligatory practice - mainly involving financial responsibility that young adults have towards their immediate family, in few occasions their extended family. This obligation rests solely…

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Planning is the process of setting goals, defining strategies, and outlining the actions and steps necessary to achieve those goals. It involves creating a step by step process for the…

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Swimming is a water based activity that can be both fun and beneficial to our health. The act of swimming involves the use of arm and legs which can be…

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Height: Beyond Inches and Centimeters – Exploring the Impact, Science, and Perception of Vertical Dimensions

Height is an inherent aspect of our physical appearance that holds significant social and psychological implications. From childhood to adulthood, height plays a role in how we perceive ourselves, how…

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Rashidi Yekini

Today’s Doodle (on Google) celebrates iconic Nigerian footballer Rashidi Yekini, an accomplished forward nicknamed the “Goalsfather” for his ability to sneak shots by the keeper. He was born on this…

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